911 Emergency Alert! 911 Emergency Alert! 911 Emergency Alert!
So declares your everlasting Lord! Truly, truly, I have called! Truly, truly, I have cried! Truly, truly, I have mourned! Truly, truly, I have warned! And so the voice of Yeshua HaMashiach has heralded forth the judgments to come in warning to all who had ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to comprehend. And yet my remnant has heard my voice and made themselves ready for the appearing of their everlasting Lord and savior, who is both the Lamb of God and the Lion of the tribe of Judah, and in righteousness I do come to judge and make war.
Behold! The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, and I, Christ Jesus, do possess the deed to the earth, for it is my inheritance. And I paid the price in my atoning blood, that the earth should not utterly perish in sin and unrighteousness, because Yahweh has preserved his creation so that all who are called and chosen, even all those born of red earth who are called to eternal life, should be born again of incorruptible seed, and they will stand in the throne room of Yahweh as newborns, even those born again into everlasting righteousness into eternity at the appointed time, and the time is now! Though babes they will not be, but powerful and everlasting kings and priests, for so is their inheritance, and in such manner will they serve Yahweh under my rule; for I am the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and I am your everlasting high priest forevermore after the order of Melchizedek, and my rule has no end.
Hear my voice, and bow your hearts in obedience, and incline your ears to wisdom, and hear the words of your Bridegroom, my Bride! Truly, I am speaking to the faithful, and I ask your hearts in full obedience to my words. For the times of warning are closing and nearly completed, and the birth pangs are nonstop now. For I, Yeshua HaMashiach, am the last Adam and have been made a life-quickening spirit and have been changed forevermore, and after the flesh I am known no more.
Truly, truly, I was fashioned after the likeness of sinful flesh, but in the sinful blood of Adam I have no part nor lot, nor did I ever share in the corruption of corrupted, sinful flesh. I am the last Adam, and as mankind is fashioned after Adam at their natural birth, and as sin and death came through Adam's disobedience, so too shall righteousness and eternal life be created fully within you by me, Christ Jesus, suddenly as I gather the faithful to myself. Of a great truth, I am the last Adam, and I have been made a life-giving spirit, and in righteousness and true holiness will you now be born again into all eternity.
And even though all who have been born of a woman (except the Lamb of God) fully partake of the corruption sowed into the flesh by Satan on account of Adam's disobedience, so too will all who are born again of my incorruptible seed fully partake of righteousness and true holiness. For every last one of you will be re-created perfectly, sinless, and fully righteous as the everlasting and eternal sons of God, of whom I will ordain my kings and priests and of whom I will take to myself my bride in eternal, holy covenant, and evermore will they be with me, never to depart.
Yet, so was the son of God manifested that I might destroy the works of the Devil, for the Devil sins from the beginning. Yahweh himself is my Father, for he has created me for such a purpose, to be the last Adam, even he whom in the likeness the newly created man will be fashioned. So understand that I, Christ Jesus, am the head, and a new man will I re-create you all because you are my body, and you will all serve a vital function for which you all have been created. Understand that even though I took the likeness of sinful flesh, the sins of your fathers did not pass to me through the blood. For Yahweh himself created me in righteousness and true holiness, even that God was manifest in the flesh; for he who has seen me has seen the Father, yet after the flesh I am known no more.
And so I was given for your redemption and rescue. He that has seen me has seen the Father, and my Father and I are one in unity and purpose, except in his throne Yahweh is greater than I, for there is none like the great eternal God! Yet in the womb did I develop in like manner as any man, yet in the womb is no passing of blood from the mother to the child; and so was I sanctified and born sinless as the lamb of God, and so have I given myself as the perfect Passover as the high priest of Yahweh after the everlasting order of Melchizedek for remission of sins for all who choose to accept my offer of everlasting life.
And now I come as the lion of the tribe of Judah because once again I have been rejected by those to whom I turned. And as I was rejected by Israel, even my own to whom I was sent, and as a result turned to the Gentiles, so now the Gentiles have rejected me, and I return now to Israel, even back to my own land of promise, for I will yet save a remnant from Jacob that I may save some of all. And from the throne of David will the earth be ruled from the land of promise, promised long ago by Yahweh, and what Yahweh has promised will be fulfilled to the uttermost! And I am he who is given for the fulfillment of all things.
Behold! The times are now, the times are now, when the new birth will come to full completion and consummation in me, the Lord Jesus Christ, and I will fulfill Yahweh's eternal purposes of old, which he has prepared in times past (even of times so ancient you cannot comprehend at this time) because you have always been hidden away in Yahweh's heart. Nevertheless, the eternal and everlasting purposes of Yahweh are now set to be fulfilled, and the first-fruits harvest is at hand, and the hour is upon you. For the earth has now become as a woman in labor, ready to give birth, and her travail and her labor pains are nonstop now, and her deliverance draws near, and the hour of resurrection and gathering is here.
For suddenly will it happen when I, Christ Jesus, will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and that last trumpet will sound, and at that sound my appearing will break across the sky in great brilliance (my glory is everlasting brightness), and the world will know there is a God in heaven and the world will understand the day of the Lord is upon them. And so the earth will give birth to all those who have fallen asleep in Christ and have returned to the dust of the earth, and whose spirits returned to God, and whose souls have been in sweet rest since the day they closed their eyes to sleep in red earth. For the old man of red earth will spring forth in newness of life, and the earth shall deliver up at my command those who have fallen asleep in Christ, and you who are alive and remain will be caught up in the clouds with them to meet me in the air. And it will happen suddenly, and you all will be born into everlasting splendor and re-created fully as a newborn creation of which everlasting power and splendor is woven into your pure white garments with which you will suddenly find yourselves clothed, and the times are now.
Woe to the inhabitants of the earth. Woe, woe, much woe to the inhabitants of the earth. Woe to you, natural man, because you have refused my call. 911 emergency alert have I warned, and call, and now the day has come upon you, and you are still ignorantly unaware of your impending destruction. You, natural man, have ignored the voices of those I sent, and I have sent many voices to you, and you have rejected my apostles and prophets and my ambassadors; and even the children did you reject, because in the mouths of babes have I perfected praise, and the little ones have dreamed dreams and been given visions, and they faithfully announce my appearing! And so it will be that sudden destruction will fall and the warnings shall cease. For this is not a warning but a declaration because the times of warning are about to suddenly cease, and in place of warning will fulfillment stand, and sudden destruction will fall suddenly, and you will not escape, oh, inhabitants of the earth who reject your creator.
Natural man, you go from sin to sin in your filthy sinful ways, and although I have showered the earth in my grace and mercy so that you may escape your impending judgment, you instead have chosen to bear your judgment and calamity, and so shall it be. And so now judgment begins with the house of God, and so will it be. Secret Babylon, even that great nation of United States, now stands chained, naked, and destitute and awaits her final destruction.
Because of her sins, fornications, adulteries, abominations, and utter filth and depravity with which she has corrupted the earth, she will now face her destruction. And the great harlot is now given fully into the hands of her enemies, yet the restrainer restrains until there is a restrainer to restrain no more, and suddenly will the restrainer be removed at the great gathering together of my saints! And at which time the restrainer is removed, they will execute their secret attack that they have planned and coordinated for many years now, for so is given into their hands to accomplish, and Secret Babylon will utterly be destroyed in one hour.
And the ten horns will destroy the great harlot because they hate the whore, and they shall make her desolate and naked and will eat her flesh and will burn her with fire. And great shaking will come on the earth, and she will be split, and the waters will cover her coasts, and the waters will cover her heart, and she will be divided asunder. For so it is written: her sins are come up into heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Reward her, even as she has rewarded you, and give her double according to her works: and in the cup that she has filled to you, you fill her double. Inasmuch as she glorified herself and lived in pleasure, so much give you to her torment and sorrow: for she says in her heart, I sit being a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no mourning. Therefore, shall her plagues come at one day, death, and sorrow, and famine, and she shall be burnt with fire: for that God which condemns her, is a strong Lord. Then a mighty Angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, With such violence shall that great city Babylon be cast, and shall be found no more.
And so will it be that this once great nation, of which I have redeemed many, will now be taken in judgment, even as my Church and my Bride are taken into the heavens, where I have prepared for them a place of safety and refuge where they will receive their inheritance. And never again shall Secret Babylon be, and her greatest city that arrogantly sits as though nothing will ever change will fall completely along with her, never to rise again.
Truly, truly, all of her sinful and disgusting cites will fall, and her towers will tumble, and great fires and destruction will make her roads impassable. Then will the red armies, even the armies of the beast that he has imported for her destruction, be unleashed on what remains, and they will consume her flesh. And so it will be that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Yet, those that remain are sold into slavery by usury because the leaders of Secret Babylon have betrayed her citizens and have given them as collateral, and payment is now due.
Understand what has happened, my people, and remember my words. The mangy shepherds have worked together for her destruction; the one mangy shepherd who rules in secret puppeteers the old stooge, while the other mangy shepherd who appears persecuted by the old stooge works hand in hand with the mangy shepherd who rules in secret. For they pretend they are enemies at the present time, but they are all from the same mangy flock, fulfilling the dragon’s purposes, and so I told my Church, my Body, and even my Bride! And so the mangy shepherds have delivered Secret Babylon into the hands of her enemies, for so they are sent.
They have made the whore naked, for so was given them to accomplish, for even the enemies of Yahweh obey his voice. Understand they have purposely left her military might in foreign lands and given her secrets to the ten horns so they may rule in strength. It is the ten horns who will give their power to the beast, for so is given them to accomplish.
The great whore has fought endless and futile wars designed to wear down her strength. Secret Babylon has by design instigated war with the Bear in order to grind down her strength and might so that she is now left naked and defenseless, and into the red dragon’s hands is she now given as spoil. And every facet of her empire that sits on many waters will likewise be given as spoil into their hands. Understand that they are at the ready and will move suddenly to execute in unison their worldwide attack, and on all fronts will they attack in swift destruction, and a very short victory will they have before judgment falls in great wrath on the earth.
Understand that the earth is now ruled by the Dragon, and he is now bound to the earth as he awaits his judgment, and so shall his kingdom be utterly destroyed and punished (for he is no king), and Satan will be bound in punishment with a great chain in the abyss for the appointed time, for a thousand years is so given for a day of rest for the redeemed, and many sabbaths will we have. And so his tentacles stretch and cover the kings of the earth like an octopus wraps its prey, and in the same way a spider weaves its web; so he takes his prey, and all that are taken are preserved for that great lake of fire.
For the spider sits in its lair, and the spider has hidden itself amongst the land of promise. And so are Satan's ways, for Satan's ways are cowardly. He has slithered on his belly and tried to hide himself amongst the garden of Yahweh, but nothing is hidden from Yahweh's sight, and nothing is hidden from my sight, for I am Yeshua HaMashiach, who is the promised seed of the woman. And I will bruise the serpent’s head, and an everlasting wound will it be, of which he will never recover.
But so it is that his tares share of his evil nature, and so the spider has woven the world into its web through much evil, and the spider now sits at the ready, for its hour has come. And so the spider now moves with its many legs into position the pieces on the board, so that they are at the ready. It has lured the world into its web, falsely promising a new day; and a revival of their golden age they seek to have, but they never will have their golden age, but a great lake of fire that burns the hottest flames of blue is their inheritance.
And so the spider moves them across its web and positions them at the ready. The spider is the synagogue of Satan, who has invaded my lands of inheritance and promise, and they will be utterly rooted out and destroyed, and no root nor posterity will they have. Yet they will serve the eternal purposes of Yahweh for a short season, for a multitude of multitudes will be saved from destruction during Daniel's seventieth week. All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, says the Righteous Lord, even Yeshua HaMashiach, who is Jesus Christ in the English tongue; and in whatever language they call, they will be heard and saved and raised to newness of life, and into my righteous kingdom will they go in everlasting reward and everlasting splendor.
And so it is, the destruction of Secret Babylon is now at hand, and my faithful are to be removed. And I, Christ Jesus, no longer come to the dwellers on the earth in warning because I have warned them thoroughly and in many ways only to be denied on all points; and so it is, for so it is written. However, in spite of Yahweh's foreknowledge, Yahweh still warns those about to be taken in judgment of their impending fate, and in his love he has sent me for their salvation, and many were saved.
But now they have rejected me in favor of their false savior, for they now follow Barabbas, and they have now chosen the Dragon as their god. And so I no longer come to warn natural man but to instruct and prepare my people so that they are at the ready for their departing, because there is no more time. Yahweh, in spite of knowing all of this in eternities past, and in his justice and love, has warned the unrepentant anyway, even knowing that many will not repent at this time, yet a multitude of multitudes will be saved through the refiner’s fire of Jacob’s trouble. And all who call on the name of the Lord to the end shall be saved!
But many have turned to me, and it is to you, my Bride and my Church and my Body, that I now come to gather and prepare for your departing into the heavens, for now are the times and the times are now. Understand, my children, that this is no longer the world you are used to living in, and the days of old are now past, and the day of the Lord is here. So I counsel and instruct all in my Church, even as many as who will hear my voice to fill their lamps with the oil that I have provided and to trim your wicks as I have instructed, for the day of your redemption has come. Truly, truly, I no longer warn but am here to declare on behalf of Yahweh, the great eternal God, that the times have come; and what Yahweh declares can no man alter, nor change even in the slightest, and all will come to pass as written.
And so, my children, understand the times in which you live because you can no longer live careless lives. Events are already underway and the times are perilous. Hide yourselves, my little ones, from the judgments that are not for you, and understand that even the waters are starting to turn bitter. I ask you, my children, to remain in the safety that I have provided for you and come out from amongst them now and be fully separate so that you do not share in their plagues. These events I speak of are not for you, my children, but are given to wake the last of those who will come to salvation before Yahweh closes the door of the ark at the gathering of my Church at the last trumpet, and very few there are that remain.
So hearken to my voice, my children, and come out, come out, come out from among her. Emergency 911 alert, for the day is at hand. Calamities are already unleashed on the earth, yet I have provided safety and peace for those who await my shout, and the trumpet is about to sound. Therefore, remain in the safety of the havens I have prepared for you, and calamity that is not intended for you will pass over you in the same way the angel of death passed over the children of Israel in Egypt. Except, suddenly on the earth you will no longer be, and in a fallen state will you never be again, for your redemption no longer draws near, but is fully upon you. Therefore, stay at the ready.
I am speaking to the faithful and I ask your hearts in full obedience to my words.
I am known after the flesh no more.
I am the last Adam.
I am a life-giving spirit.
I am Yeshua HaMashiach.
I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
I am your everlasting high priest forevermore after the order of Melchizedek.
I am who the Great I AM has sent for the fulfillment of all things.
I have sent these words by my servant, and by my servant have these words been sent.
I counsel all who hear these words to listen fully to my instruction and understand that now is the time and suddenly will fulfillment fully come. I require the full hearts of my faithful, so continue to purify yourselves in my atoning blood and confess your sins to me so that I may fully purify you in my atoning blood. Do not be fooled by your senses, because Secret Babylon is blind and deaf and willingly ignorant of her impending judgment, which is already underway and cannot be stopped. Therefore, share not in her blindness that you suffer not of her plagues, and be separate from among them so you are fully ready for the appearing of your everlasting Lord. Behold, my Bride! The Bridegroom approaches, so keep your lamps filled, wicks trimmed and lit, in earnest expectation of your approaching Lord, for now are the times of gathering, and the times of gathering are now.