Behold! Great and powerful transitions are underway, and the transfer is almost complete, even as the earth is transitioned from the Kingdom of Heaven where the earth is ruled under The New Testament and evil is restrained to the Kingdom of the Dragon, of which they lust. As it has been during my times of grace and mercy on the earth that started with that great day of Pentecost these many Jubilees ago, it will now no longer be. Even a transfer from my New Testament, to the rule of the Dragon, beast from the sea, and the beast from the earth who is also their false prophet, but never is my New Testament made void because truly, truly, my New Testament is an eternal Testament, even a Testament that Yahweh has accepted for all times and forevermore, Selah. 

Behold! A transfer of power from the Kingdom of Heaven to the final beast system, of which there shall never be another. Behold! I am Yeshua HaMashiach and I do come to bring good tidings of peace and joy to the faithful in Christ, even so that your joy may be full, and you are not downcast in your expectation and that you do not lose focus for your hope, which is so suddenly to be revealed when I appear in the clouds so unexpectedly now, and you will be taken. For, I do come to snatch away the faithful in Christ into the heavens, and who is there who can stop my mighty hand? I say who?!

Because I do come with the full power and authority of the throne of Yahweh himself and I do come to take my possession that I have purchased in my own redeeming blood, even my own sinless blood that I willingly gave in great strength and unbreakable love for the sins of the world. Even so that the sins of Adam would rest on Jesus the Nazarene, even he whom John the Baptist identified with the Words "Behold! The lamb of God, which takes away the sins of the world!" 

So it is, that truly, truly, I have paid the penalty of Moses for all who have accepted Jesus the Nazarene as their peace treaty between themselves and Yahweh, because Adam is the prodigal son who disobeyed Yahweh and became subject to the swine herd of Satan as the servants of sin. Nevertheless, my Words remain sure because he who is the servant of sin does not remain in subjection to the Kingdom of Satan should they accept and confess Jesus as Lord. Truly, truly, the servant does not remain in the house of sin forever should they choose to accept eternal salvation in Jesus the Christ because no other name will ever be given for the salvation of Adam, and the fallen ones have never forgiveness. 

Nevertheless, those who refuse my invitation and all those who have altered themselves in the ways of Canaan and all those who will take the mark of the beast will remain in the house of sin forever because those who become the sons of sin will remain under the power of the serpents genetic corruptions forevermore, and all those who commit blasphemy against the name of Yahweh, of which Adam was created, have never forgiveness, indeed that which has made itself crooked cannot be made straight. Therefore, in Yahweh's perfect justice all those who fully commit the sins of the fallen ones and alter their own genetics have committed the sin unto death, even as I had John the Revelator write in his letters to the faithful in Christ. And all those who reject the holy and sinless blood of Jesus the Nazarene as an unholy thing will join the fallen ones in their inheritance of burning brimstone, because truly, truly your redemption cost me a terrible price that I would willingly pay again, even though such a thing is eternally unneeded. 

Why are you downcast, my loves? Why does your enthusiasm wane? May I ask what bride sits somber in sadness, even as the bridegroom approaches? Even as your bridegroom has declared his nearness of arrival, yet so many of you are sad in heart as if I have rejected you? Yet, so it is that those who are closest in time to the great gathering of the faithful in Christ have somehow allowed themselves to lose their excitement, even so by listening to the faithless reasonings of false prophets and ministers, and by allowing fiery darts to nest in their minds that would overthrow their faith if left unquenched by my Words and spirit! For my Words, they are spirit, and they are life to those who walk by faith! Therefore, do not allow yourselves to forget that there is a crown of righteousness laid up for all who love my appearing, only relinquish not your crowns my loves, because Satan does seek to rob you of your inheritance. 

Why is my bride long of face in sadness and disappointment, as if they have been jilted by an unfaithful bridegroom? Have, I Christ Jesus, ever given you unfaithful Words, or have I ever lied to you, my loves? No, indeed I am The Ever Faithful and Everlasting Lord of Righteousness with whom is always yea and amen because I am he in whom all promises of Yahweh and Yeshuah HaMashiach meet fulfillment for all eternity. Therefore, understand the nature of the change that is about to be accomplished in you, even you whom I address, even the faithful in Christ! Even my church, my body, and even my Bride, to whom I send these Words of comfort! So rejoice!

So many of you consider the new birth as power over your sins, and truly I do empower you over your sins so that you may be victorious and overcome in all things, however the new birth is more than overcoming sins. Even though I have sealed the faithful in Christ, even that unbreakable seal of Yahweh himself, even with that spirit of sonship that is in itself not the fullness of the new birth, but a down payment for the purchased possession of their impending and promised full redemption. Even as it is written, In whom also you have trusted, after that you heard the word of truth, even the Gospel of your salvation, wherein also after that ye believed, you were sealed with the holy spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance, for the redemption of that liberty purchased unto the praise of his glory.

Therefore, the seal of the living God remains sure and steadfast on all I have sealed, and you may call yourselves born again, and truly I have empowered you with my new nature so that you may walk righteously and upright in all obedience of faith as you walk by the spirit, because the just shall live by faith! Therefore, understand that even though you have all faith, and all manifestations of power, and even all gifts and enablements are given in that spirit of sonship you received when you were sealed, the full power and magnificence of the new birth will not be realized until suddenly on the earth you are not!

Because, I do come to snatch you away into the heavens, even where you will marvel at the splendor with which you will be recreated and clothed. You will stand in the throne room of Yahweh where I will present the Lights of the World to the Father of Lights and you will see and you will know and you will hear and you will understand. And as you stand glorified in great glory before the throne of everlasting glory, you will shine as the stars in the firmament of heaven, and you will have a bright nature. And an angel will seal my 144,000 in their foreheads and many enablements, abilities, and powers will you all have according as your faithfulness has been. Because in that moment you will all be forevermore part of the eternal Godhead forevermore, never to depart. Selah.

And at that point in time where the gathering together of the faithful in Christ to their Everlasting Lord of Righteousness occurs so suddenly and unexpectedly now, even all those who hear the sound of that last trumpet, and who hear the Words "Come up hither" will suddenly and unexpectedly find themselves born again even as a new and perfect and sinless and glorified creation, fashioned even after your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness; because I am the Last Adam who has been made a life giving spirit and your full salvation is at your door.

Therefore, I do come to tell you once again to ready yourselves and have your full expectation of full redemption in the forefront of your minds and hearts, because truly your times have come. Therefore, prepare yourselves by departing from all sins and all appearance of evil. Continue to come out of this sin filled and judged world that you do not partake of their plagues and judgments in the least.

Confess your sins to me, Christ Jesus, and ask me regarding your lives that I may show your sins and shortcomings to you that perhaps you are not aware, and even so the Love of Yahweh covers a multitude of sins because it is impossible that you should confess them all. Arrange your affairs and understand that your life on this earth in sinful flesh is at an end and no longer will you have the accursed option of following a sin nature that demands your attention and obedience in all unrighteousness, but you will be born again, born from above, even born newly alive for all eternity never to sin and never to die again, and it is I Christ Jesus who does so declare and you will be clothed in full righteousness, ever free from the corruptions of sin forevermore. 

I am Christ Jesus, and I have sent these Words by my messenger and servant and by my messenger and servant have these Words been sent, even so that my church, my body, and even my bride will stand fast in earnest and excited expectation of their full redemption that is about to break across the earth even as lightning comes out of the east and into the west and you will all be changed in the twinkling of an eye!

Then shall it happen, even as foretold, that sudden destruction will fall on Secret Babylon and her coasts will be covered, she shall be split along the middle from the gulf to the lakes, great fire will fall and their missles will be launched, even my mighty Angel will cast a great stone into the sea and Secret Babylons greatest city shall not escape, nor the city of Angels because truly, truly, will her sinful cities burn and be overthrown. The armies of the beast will be released and they shall hunt every person and will cull multitudes, and they have orders to eliminate all who do not suit their purposes, or who could rise to fight them another day. Thus, so shall their third world war occur. 

Great shaking and total war will destroy many nations and cities and towns and the earth will be divided in many places, and the restrainer shall be suddenly removed, and the ice shall fall, and their abominations will be unleashed and the abyss will be opened and Satans full kingdom will be unleashed and united in evil in their war against the saints wherewith they shall overcome them even as written. And great judgment shall suddenly fall, even as warned, and declared and so shall it be that great judgment will fall across the entire earth when the transfer is completed. And this because natural man desires the fallen ones and desires their evil and darkness, therefore, evil and darkness will natural man now have and his only escape is to call on the name of Jesus until his end, because the rebellious of Adam will now be given fully to the Satans who will destroy. Yet, I will come to save a mighty remnant from Jacob at the hands of my mighty 144,000! Selah!

I am, Christ Jesus, and I have previously declared the gathering of the faithful in Christ to their Everlasting and Eternal Lord, even in The Gospel of Salvation and The Mystery of God and The Everlasting Gospel and I do come to establish the surety of my declarations and also the declarations of Yahweh, for whatever declarations are made in the throne and power of Yahweh will come to pass exactly as declared and there will be no more delay. 

I am your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness, and I do come to reprove as many as I love, because it is not proper that anyone of the faithful in Christ, even my very Bride who have overcome all things even as I overcame should sit downcast as if your hope of redemption in the full new birth in the heaven of heavens has been put on hold or delayed or that perhaps your Lord tarried by the wayside in unfaithfulness. God forbid an impossibility that will never occur! 

For such things are an impossibility, although Satan would seek to tear your faith down with his fiery darts, therefore, quench his darts with the shield of faith, (and even all of my enablements I have given you) and stand in earnest and excited expectation for my appearing. Fret not over the date setters and the many voices who peep and mutter, but look to your Lord of Lords and King of Kings who is approaching and who will do exactly as has been declared in the throne of Yahweh. 

And so I ask, who is there who can stop my mighty hand from snatching away those I love and have sealed with the holy spirit of promise so that you may bring symmetry to the heavens and bring righteousness to the earth when you come to rule with your King of Kings and Lord of Lords, even a mighty rule under The High Priest forever after the Order of Melchizedek? Selah!

Behold, I am near. Therfore, watch in all earnest expectation because the faithful in Christ will not be left to the refiners fire in great disappointment. Truly, you have overcome. Selah.

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