Behold! I, Yeshua HaMashiach, do come to tell my Church, my body, and even my bride of things that are about to come upon the earth. Even so that you may understand the meaning of things about to occur, and that you are not blinded to their significance. Because, the fallen ones do seek to lead all astray with their delusional lies and the earth you have known is being altered from the earth you once knew and is no longer the same and will continue to be altered from its previous arrangement set in place since the flood of Noah.

Behold! As in the days of Noah, so shall the earth become once again so that full judgment may crash fully on the fallen ones own heads and on the earth itself and a final call to righteousness will now sound across the earth in great judgment and wrath that is set to fall so suddenly now. Therefore, understand the times you live and the significance of events to come. Even events that will be cut short in righteousness, because had the days of Jacob's trouble not been shortened, truly, truly, no flesh would be left alive on the earth and all would be made desolate. For so are the lusts of the fallen ones, that in their greed to steal the earth from mankind they would happily cause all life of the flesh that is in the blood to cease forevermore, because the earth was made for man and man to rule the earth in righteousness. Even so, as it is written: What is man that you are mindful of him? Yet you would crown him with glory and honor and set him over the works of your hands.

Yet, the eternal plans and purposes of Yahweh, The Great I AM will be fully fulfilled by my mighty hand!

Therefore, understand the times and the significance of events that are at hand, even so that you are not ensnared thereby or taken in judgment that is not intended for the faithful in Christ. Understand, that at the sound of the last trumpet that is about to sound, even that last trumpet of my age of grace that has been given into my hands with full command to sound at the appointed time that is nearly upon you in full my loves, that the earth will be fully given into the hands of the dragon in his mercifully short rule.

And this because natural man has willingly accepted the rule given by the ten kings, who rise in great deception from ten families of old, who have ruled the earth in great deception and stealth for the fallen ones since they began to rise at the fall of Babel and its tower in the days of Nimrod. These ten families have waited and watched for the return of their fathers and gods who are no fathers and are no gods, but pretenders who pretend. The fallen ones have given their beasts to rule at the dragons command, who have by stealth and empty promises and great division, subverted the nations so that all world leaders now serve the dragon fully, and those who refuse have been, or will be, assassinated by their hidden hands or will fall fully by their coming war of world conquest.

Yet so is the world you live and the times that have overtaken the earth in great evil and complete deception. Because as it is, the world has now rejected my New Testament of Righteousness that truly, truly was sealed and ratified by my own sinless blood that I offered for the full payment of the penalty of Moses. Even so, that fallen man would have a choice to either accept remission of sins and divine salvation and restoration to Yahweh, the Great I AM, by way of Jesus the Nazarene or fallen man would choose to remain fallen and in service to the lusts of the fallen ones, accepting full judgment for every sin, and every unrighteous act they have unrighteously committed, no matter how small. Understand that all who choose to remain in service to the fallen ones will join them fully in their punishment in that great lake of fire, even a harsh and severe judgment that was not intended for man, nevertheless all who choose to remain with the fallen ones will likewise join the fallen ones because there is no other choice!

Yet, rejection of my New Testament does not cancel the full force and effect of my New Testament because my New Testament is an eternal covenant and eternal Testament that will remain in effect eternally and forevermore even by full force of the High Priest forever after The Order of Melchizedek, and will survive and remain eternally and forevermore as an Everlasting Covenant of Righteousness for the eternal and perfect and righteous rule of Yahweh's creation. Even a creation of things in heaven, and on earth, and even under the earth and there is nowhere to hide where my righteous rule will not take full effect at the end of Daniel's seventieth week, which is also Jacobs trouble, that has now aligned in full convergence of birth pains and a child will be born!

Even a holy child of righteous first-fruits in the full barley harvest that is to take place in full so suddenly and unexpectedly now, even an eternal time of consummation where the dead in Christ will be birthed from the heart of the earth where they have rested peacefully, and the faithful in Christ who are alive and remain will depart from the face of the earth with them to meet me in the air and so will you all be taken into the heaven of heavens where you will stand before your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness to receive your full inheritance! And I will present you without spot or blemish or stain or wrinkle or any such thing to Yahweh, The Great I AM, who truly has Fathered you all by my spirit of Sonship whereby you have been sealed for this day of redemption! 

And you will all take your places in the Israel of God, because whether you were born Judean, or from the lost tribes of Israel, of from the gentiles: in Christ Jesus you will no longer be any of these earthly bloodlines but a new creation, a new man, even recreated fully in full perfection in Christ Jesus and you will marvel at the eternal splendor that you will be clothed. Because those in Christ will be fashioned and formed in the same manner as Christ Jesus and my overcomers will inherit all things in the same manner as I overcame and inherited all things from the hand of Yahweh, the Great I AM, and so is the inheritance of the faithful! Therefore, understand at that sudden twinkling of an eye you will all be freed forevermore from the corrupted blood of Adam, even by the last Adam: whom Yahweh has made a life giving spirit who will recreate you all in like fashion as your Everlasting Lord of Righteousness, Selah!

Therefore, I will perform a perfect and complete work in you my loves, even according as your faithful obedience to righteousness has been in my times of grace and mercy. Because grace and mercy are setting as the sun in this twilight of convergence, here at the start of Jacob's trouble. Because the convergence I speak is a convergence of righteousness, culminating with the faithful in Christ being fully separated from those who dwell on the earth in unrighteousness, as they are taken into the safety of the heavens in the twinkling of an eye so suddenly and unexpectedly now.

Yet, as this righteous work is brought to full completion, so too will there be a convergence of evil on the earth as my restrainer is removed. Because there are multiple points of restraint that prevent the fallen ones from having their desired convergence, yet as the faithful in Christ are taken all points of restraint will be removed with my restrainer and Michael will stand up and remove himself and the ice shall fall, and the earth will be violently altered so that it will fully be as in the days of Noah, complete with their abominable Nephilim that have been made once again and they will be released. Behold! I bring giants to fulfill my wrath!

Thus, will the earth be given into the hands of the dragon for a short season, even a season of harsh judgment where the dwellers on the earth will fully have the evil and darkness they so lust and desire, except no golden age will they have but harsh and everlasting judgment instead. And the fallen ones will have their war with which they will fully subjugate the earth in full, unrestrained evil, and full unrestrained unrighteousness, and that great scarlet whore will fall to the flames of judgment as Secret Babylon is fully judged and destroyed at the departure of the faithful in Christ, never to rise again! Understand that they will hide themselves away in their underground cities and bunkers, and bases, and shelters, but many of them will not escape but will be buried in the earth in full judgment, even preserved in torment in death until that great white throne judgment and they shall not escape.

Then a revelation and realization will quickly fall over the earth that full judgment and wrath has come over the earth, and who shall be able to stand? Yet, all who call on the name of Jesus until their end will come to full and glorious salvation and a mighty remnant from Israel will accept Yeshua HaMashiach as their true Messiah and will be saved alive into my millennial kingdom. So understand the final separations to come.

Because the righteous remnant of Jacob will be separated from Esau and Ashkenaz, even saved alive by the revealing to be accomplished by my two witnesses, even Enoch the Scribe and Elijah the Tishbite.

Because the luke warm and many of those who previously rejected Jesus the Nazarene will be left to the fires of purification and will be separated from those who marvel after the beast and they will be initially overcome by the beast from the sea in his war on the remaining saints; who will overcome the beast from the sea by calling on Jesus as their Lord until their end and into great glory will they forevermore go!

Because the abominable and unrighteous will be separated fully from the righteous and sealed forevermore by the snakebite that is in the hand of the beast from the earth that will be used to fully ensnare all those who love evil and have pleasure in unrighteousness, and they shall not escape.

And so it is, that the times of revealing are fully enveloping the earth now, and all will be revealed fully in their proper times. At the gathering of the faithful in Christ given by a mighty shout with the voice of the archangel and that last trumpet that will surely sound, those taken into the heavens will no longer see through a glass darkly but will fully understand all things even as they are fully known. And they will see with their own eyes, and they will hear with their own ears, and they will fully see and understand the glory of Yahweh the Great I AM, and also Christ Jesus their Everlasting Lord of Righteousness and what a sweet time will it be as the bridegroom unites fully with his bride in everlasting covenant! And the tables are set and the banquet halls are at the ready!

And so it is, that the times of revealing will fully come over the earth now, and every aspect of the Satans kingdom and orders of unrighteousness will be fully exposed and brought out into full view as judgment falls, because the veil of separation will be lifted just as suddenly and forcefully as the veil in the temple that separated the most Holy place from the lesser Holy place was torn from top to bottom by the mighty hand of Yahweh himself, when I uttered that phrase of eternal victory IT IS FINISHED!

Therefore, understand the times you live and prepare yourselves my loves. Continue in repentance and plead my atoning blood over your lives and the lives of those you love in intercession, even so that you may have full forgiveness of all things and full remission of sins and many will be saved by your righteous intercessions. Understand that now is the time to fully separate yourselves from the ways of this world and also the cares of this present evil world because so suddenly and unexpectedly will your times living in this sinful world be at an eternal end, and never again will you be subject to evil and unrighteousness. So continue to come out from among them and be separate in all things, although, I do ask you to continue in your courses, working heartily as unto the Lord from full hearts of faith working righteousness until suddenly on the earth you are not!

And so I come to tell my Church, my body, and even my bride that the times of their redemption has come and the times of full celebration and inheritance and reward are set to receive the faithful in Christ into the heavens at my command now, because Yahweh has given all things into my mighty hands to accomplish, and I always do my Father’s will even so that you could be redeemed into full righteousness so that you too would always do the will of your Father in righteous perfection!

Therefore, in the same way that this transfer of ruler-ship will occur in great destruction and war as the fallen ones do what is given into their hands to accomplish at the full judgment of Secret Babylon that sits on many waters that are people, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues; even as they conquer the nations for their unholy rule of which I will make an eternal end at the end of Jacobs trouble.

That in similar fashion, at my second coming, when I return to earth with the heavenly host and the faithful in Christ and even my Bride, that in righteousness I will judge and make war and put down eternally and forevermore with great violence and force all ruler-ship and authority and dominion of the dragon! Because he is no king, and he has no kingdom and his inheritance is in those everlasting flames of punishment where their worm dies not, where he is bound in judgment to go evermore.

And so will my Millennial Kingdom be established on the earth, even governed by my New Testament of righteousness forever and forevermore. Selah!

And so, I Christ Jesus, who is also Jesus the Christ, who is also Yeshua HaMashiach do declare that the times have arrived and the faithful are set to be gathered and the first separation of the first fruits of barley harvest will be harvested and taken into the storehouses and safety of the heavens where you will all receive your eternal reward from my mighty hands according as your faithfulness has been.

Therefore understand:

I am Christ Jesus, who along with Yahweh, the Great I AM, has revealed this announcement as well as The Everlasting Gospel to our mighty messenger in these times of revealing, and to our mighty messenger has Yahweh, the Great I AM and Christ Jesus revealed this announcement as well as The Everlasting Gospel for the obedience and salvation of all these Words are sent.

I am The High Priest after The Order of Melchizedek forevermore, and from my shoulders the mantle of Melchizedek will never depart! Selah!

I am the Everlasting Lord and King of Righteousness Himself: who will appear suddenly as my glory and brightness is seen across the entire earth, even as lightning comes out of the east is seen into the west and the faithful in Christ will be suddenly gathered to their Everlasting Lord of Righteousness, and that final trumpet is about to sound fully in the ears of the faithful, as they hear: Come up hither!

I am Jesus the Nazarene who has sent these Words of celebration and announcement to the faithful in Christ, even so they may be fully readied to hear that beautiful trumpet’s call and their eternal invitation to come up hither!

And I am The Everlasting Lord of Righteousness who does close the testimony of my mighty messenger who has heralded faithfully the Words of Righteousness revealed to him by myself, and Yahweh the Great I AM. Therefore, understand that my mighty messenger will be gathered with the faithful and will fulfill his eternal purposes in his inheritance that will be given by my hand to all who overcome in like fashion.

And as the testimony of The Everlasting Gospel, even that Little Book of Revelation Chapter 10 is brought to a close, I do give you to understand that from the start of testimony on March 2nd of 2024, to January 13th, 2025 there has been ten months and eleven days according to the Gregorian calendar, and so I give you to understand that in the same way Revelation chapter ten closes with verse eleven, these same Words are given in understanding and wisdom: And he said to me, You must prophecy again among the people and nations, and tongues, and to many Kings.

And so will come to pass even as written: Then I saw another Angel fly in the midst of heaven, having an everlasting Gospel, to preach to them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people: Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him: for the hour of his jugdment is come: and worship him that made heaven and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters. Selah!

Therefore, hear and understand the first Words given by my hand via the Spirit of Prophecy to my mighty messenger on March 2nd of 2024 that will now book end this testominy given for a total of three hundred and twenty six (326) days to January 22, 2025. Selah!

How long, how long, will my people ignore my call? How long will they cleave to their sins? How long will they live in the pleasures of sin? Repent. Repent. Repent! Turn to me with your entire heart. Turn to the Lord your God and to my outstretched arms!

To my Bride: I have given you life, yet your life is hid in me; and when I shall appear, so too shall you appear in the life that I have given you. You have freely received, yet it cost me a great price for your ransom. Will you use my grace as a time to slumber? Or will you use my grace as a time to purify yourselves by virtue of my blood that I shed for you at Calvary? Will you accept my invitation to preach to a dying world and save many of your brethren? Or will you ignore my invitation and instead prefer the pleasures of sin for a closing season?

To all, I say: Return to me with your whole heart; repent with your entire being! Seek my face and accept my forgiveness, as the day of the Lord is at hand, as I have warned my people. I will not be quiet, and I urge you to open your mouths to save those you love and those I will bring to you. Remember your first love, and come to me before the trumpet sounds.

Therefore, tell my people I am coming for them and that I am Christ Jesus their Everlasting Lord of Righteousness who will never leave them nor forsake them.


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