From Yahweh, The Great I AM:
Behold! I come to tell you of my two witnesses, my two candlesticks and my two olive trees and to give sight to the blind by revealing secrets that have been kept secret from the world in my wisdom, even so that you may know the surety of things to come and that the path to salvation may be made plain to all who read and have faith to obey these Words of The Everlasting Gospel.
Behold! I AM Yahweh, even he who created the heavens and the earth for my eternal purposes and glory, and I AM he who will restore the creation from corruption, even so that the righteous ways of Yahweh are soon to fill the earth in righteousness in the face of Jesus Christ. And so my ways will saturate the earth in Christ Jesus Millennial Kingdom, even a Kingdom where no evil thing shall enter, even a Kingdom where the earth is ruled in righteousness, and true peace and restitution will fill the earth, and the faithful of all generations will walk therein in perfect peace and tranquility because the ways of Yahweh will cover the earth in righteousness. Even a time when Satan is bound in torment and utter fear and horror of his coming inheritance of eternal punishment, where he will witness the beast and false prophet cast to the flames of eternal punishment and burned, because so are they all worthy, and yet he will fulfill my eternal purposes of righteousness before he is bound and cast to the fires forevermore never to depart, and I will set the seal and never again will they come to mind.
And I will give (and enjoy) a Sabbath days rest with my righteous overcomers and all who are allowed entrance in to Christ Jesus Millennial Kingdom! (Because a thousand years is as a day in my sight and a day as a thousand years and a thousand years is a millennium.) Even all those who will have been gathered and resurrected from all generations, present and past, in Christ Jesus; even before Satan is cast to the flames, before his little season of finality comes to pass. At the conclusion of which that old serpent will be eternally bound and cast to the fires, never to depart from his unending punishment in the hottest flames of burning brimstone. Because Satan and all who follow his lies are truly powerless in my eternal sight! Who is it that can overcome Yahweh, the Great I AM, though they lie and boast? Or who can alter my eternal will and declarations of judgments that are set to fall fully when my restrainer is removed so suddenly now at the sound of the trumpet blast that has been given to sound at the exact and perfect time that I have chosen in my eternal plan from eternities past. Even a moment in time that is so soon to come to pass where righteous promise meets eternal fulfillment in the times of now.
Because I AM, The Great I AM, even he who knows the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end. Therefore, I do come to reveal aspects of my eternal plan of salvation that has remained a mystery, even things still concealed in The Mystery of God that is soon to conclude in eternal righteousness. Even as it was written by John the Revelator as he faithfully recorded the Words given him by Christ Jesus! And so it is written that in the days of the voice of the seventh Angel, when he shall begin to blow the trumpet, even the mystery of God shall be finished, as he has declared to his servants the Prophets.
Yet, so many have been blinded to the truth of these Words by lying dispensational wizards who were paid by the red shield to distort my holy writings with dispensational and Zionist lies and lying replacement theologies, even lies given in craft by the fallen ones through evil men to deceive the hearts of the meek and lowly. And they will deceive my very elect should my elect choose to ignore my Words of righteousness in arrogance thinking they can never be deceived on account of their election. Yet all who err in such fashion by refusing truth in favor of their lies will be deceived. Therefore, understand my people that the seventh trumpet is not the same trumpet given to sound to end my times of grace and gather the faithful in Christ, so be not deceived!
Nevertheless, the truth of Yahweh stands eternally sure and is unalterable, and my Word cannot be broken, and my Word will accomplish that which I intend to whomever my Word is sent. Neither is there anyone who can stop my eternal plans! Neither is there anyone who can stop Christ Jesus, in whom my eternal plan of salvation rests in full. Even he whom I have empowered above every creature in my creation and given full rule over my creation until his enemies be made his footstool, at which time he will present the subjected Kingdom to Adonai Yahweh.
Yet of an eternal truth, there is never an end of the righteous rule of Yeshua HaMashiach, who will rule in righteousness for all eternity, even with his bride who will continue with him forevermore and for all eternity in their offices of authority and orders of service. And that because they received Jesus the Nazarene as their eternal Lord in the times of grace and mercy, and they loved him fully in obedience to his Words, even by which Words they will have fully overcome all things of the enemies' kingdom forevermore.
Because of an eternal truth, the mantle of Melchizedek rests firmly on Yeshua HaMashiach's eternal shoulders, never to depart! Because forevermore and for all eternity will The King of Righteousness rule forevermore with his order of Priests, Kings, and Prophets who will fill the earth with the righteous ways and knowledge of Yahweh, even into the times when prophecies shall cease forevermore because I will make my abode with men in the new heaven and new earth that is soon to be created in righteousness and true holiness! Even a creation where the knowledge of good and evil will cease eternally more and only righteousness and love and peace will be found forevermore never to depart nor to be diluted or lessened or corrupted in the least. Even so because corruption will be cast to the flames forevermore.
Yet, so it is that the fallen ones have covered and spread their lies over my creation even broadcasting them non-stop over their infernal technologies, even so that that natural man may be controlled and manipulated by their frequencies and infernal technologies. Even mind controlling and behavior modifying images, evil narratives, and spells that are broadcast on their black mirrors where many sit in darkness hypnotized by their images and lies. And of a truth, the fallen ones have enchanted the masses with poisons and pharmakeia passed as medicine, even so they are poisoned and culled thereby. Yet, their poisons and technologies and mirrors will be destroyed forevermore, and their broadcasts will cease eternally, by which they cast their spells and excite the passions and lusts of natural man in great sin and their worthless technologies will come to nothing, never to be again.
Yet, so it is, that I allowed the fallen ones to cover my creation in their lies, even so that all who would follow their disgusting ways may choose to remain in their eternal inheritance of burning brimstone because they had pleasure in unrighteousness by sinning against Yahweh, the Great I AM, and against the innocent in my creation, whom they have wronged. And in my eternal wisdom and love for my creation, I have allowed each from Adam to chose who they will serve: whether sin unto death, or obedience to righteousness unto eternal life.
So are the ways of Yahweh, because my ways are ways of righteousness, peace, and love! Even eternal and unending love, where my entire creation, composed of a host of various and wonderfully made creations of all sorts and purposes, will live in righteous harmony and love. Because my creation is intended as an interrelated tapestry of life governed in righteousness and love for the full benefit and glory of every one of my creations, where not one being will ever benefit at the expense and loss of another, but all will share freely of the unending bounty contained in my storehouses intended for the benefit and glory of those who obey my righteous commandments from their hearts in love to their eternal Father, of which truly, I AM!
Yet, so it is, that I AM The Great I AM and I do not endorse nor agree with their lies, neither will I allow their lies to continue. So it is, that I do declare, that I, Yahweh, The Great I AM who is The Everlasting God of Righteousness will expose fully every aspect of the enemies' kingdom that is set to rise for the very short season the dragon is given rule, and a very limited rule will he have. And likewise, I will expose the fallen ones who have hidden themselves amongst my creation, who are to be rooted out and exposed in their eternal shame fully before they are cast to the flames of punishment forevermore, where their worm dies not. And so my declaration will go forth, because what has been declared in the glory and power of the throne of Yahweh, even The Great I AM, can never be altered nor changed, and will come to pass exactly as declared. Selah!
Yet, so it is, that I have never concealed the fallen ones fully, and I have already begun their full exposure and the veil is thinning. Even that veil of concealment wherewith I have hidden them away from mankind’s sight, and the restrainer will be removed that is composed of various points of restraint that will be removed fully when Michael is given command when the final trumpet sounds so suddenly now. And so will the ice fall, and the earth will be altered, and they will have their great war and many will perish thereby, even as written and foretold by John the Revelator in his eternal testimony. And so I give you to understand that at the time of the gathering together of the faithful in Christ that I will remove that veil of partial concealment just as suddenly and forcefully as I tore the veil of the temple in two from top to bottom which marked the end of Levi’s service and the full restoration of Melchizedek. Even so that I may remove partial blindness from the children of Israel forevermore, never again to return to my doves.
And this will happen suddenly and unexpectedly because the world does not expect Christ Jesus to lighten the horizons and skies fully with his eternal glory in these times of culminating birth pains, even so, because the world truly is faithless. And of those who are refused entry into the heavens when that great door shuts, many who are vile sinners will perish and be taken in judgment for all eternity, even those who have rejected Jesus the Nazarene fully in great blasphemy and pride against my holy bow, and many others who are just as sinful in their rebellious refusal who will fall eternally to harsh judgment on account of the evils they have committed. Even the same evils they continue in great commitment to commit, and they will not escape.
Understand that all who seek to violate the natural boundaries and orders of my creation by crossing those boundaries and orders, even seeking to transition themselves into abominations (in the ways of the fallen ones) will also likewise fall to eternal judgment just the same: Because this is the unforgivable sin, even blasphemy against Yahweh who is The Holy Spirit, seeking to change themselves from the image of Yahweh that they were initially created. Therefore, repudiate their Jesuit fables that have altered the true godhead into fables brought about by Nimrod with his original unholy three! Because the holy three of Father, Son, and holy spirit has been corrupted from its original meaning and intent, yet the truth of Yahweh can never be hidden by the weak and beggarly elements though they do lie! Nevertheless, Jesus the Nazarene is Yahweh manifest in the flesh, and my holy spirit of sonship does fill fully the faithful in Christ who truly are part of the godhead in their rule with Christ Jesus under The Order of Melchizedek as Priests and Kings forevermore! Therfore, understand who you are in Christ my children because the fallen ones seek to hide the truth concerning you by their spurious fables.
Yet, the faithful in Christ have lived and died and still walk the face of the earth in great faith, and this wonderful and glorious moment will not overtake them in ignorance because they will understand the utterance of that great shout, and they will understand the voice of the last trumpet that has already been given in hand with full orders to sound when the command is given by Christ Jesus, who always perfectly does the will of Adonai Yahweh. The faithful in Christ will be allowed entrance into that great door into the heavens that no person on earth may shut nor open, whether they are asleep or alive on the face of the earth at the time of their call!
And great distress will overtake the unfaithful who confessed Jesus the Nazarene from a faithless heart, even refusing to live lives of repentance because they loved their sins. It will come to pass that those who did choose to continue in sin, who by disobedient and stubborn hearts confessed Jesus as Lord but continued in the works of the flesh will be left to the refiners fire for the destruction of the flesh, even so that they may escape the pleasures of sin and that they may escape their flesh that has captivated them in the lusts thereof. And many will come to salvation by calling on Jesus the Nazarene until their last breath, because it has always been a requirement for the faithful, that a man be found faithful to his last breath, should he not be one of the relative few who are taken alive into the safety of the heavens in their times of faithfulness. Selah!
And their war will rage and continue for its appointed time and out of the ashes of their destruction will they rise. The dragon, the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth who is also their false prophet will rise in great blasphemy to have their cruel but mercifully short rule. Nevertheless, Yahweh, The Great I AM, has never left himself without witness, as witnessed by a host of witnesses in my eternal and holy writings that have been preserved perfectly in the heavens. And as it is, many of my testimonies have been lost to time and neglect by those who were given charge of their care. Understand the ages my children and repudiate their dispensational counterfeit lies. Understand that creation is not millions of years old according to the fallen ones lies. Creation is just under six thousand years old and I have divided these times into ages. There was an age of relative chaos thanks to the fallen ones who polluted the world that then was with their abominations, even which abominations were destroyed fully in judgment culminating in the great deluge in the days of Noah.
Yet, Noah continued alive through the flood, even saved alive on the Ark with his posterity (and the animals and creations) that were given space to continue because Noah was a righteous man and a righteous ruler after The Order of Melchizedek, on whose shoulders the mantle rested until my servant went to his peaceful rest until he is awakened so soon now in righteousness. In time Moses was drawn alive from the waters of the Nile, and he did rise in great might and he did usher in my age of Torah, even when Israel was made a great and mighty nation which is a shadow of things to come.
And at the perfect and exact appointed time Jesus the Nazarene was born of a virgin and did rise to become the lamb of God, even sacrificing himself in eternal atonement for the penalty of Moses, even a sacrifice that I accepted for all eternity for the remission of sins forevermore, for all that are sanctified thereby, even in his New Testament of righteousness that Christ Jesus ratified and sealed forevermore in his own sinless blood, therefore, there is no more need for animal sacrifice. Truly, Jesus the Nazarene is the fulcrum of righteousness for all time, even a point in time that culminated with the defeat of the fallen ones forevermore, even a point in time captured with the eternal Words “IT IS FINISHED!”
And so my age of grace was ushered in on that day of Pentecost when I gave Christ Jesus my holy spirit of Sonship that he did pour out at my commandment for the redemption of all who chose to become sons of God given by the spirit of Sonship during these times. And so was the birth of Christ Jesus’ Church that was given for grace and mercy on the gentiles, even before harsh and final judgment falls. Even times of mercy and grace where the lost tribes of the house of Israel could be gathered into the Israel of God, along with anyone from the nations who were called and responded by making Jesus the Nazarene their eternal Lord. And my people who were scattered in chastisement and who wandered the earth as pilgrims in strange lands, and all from Adam who accepted salvation in these times will forevermore be part of The Israel of God, never to depart from their eternal orders of service to Christ Jesus their ascended Lord!
So understand that the world that is now has come to its eternal end and this present evil world will never again exist to trouble those I love forevermore. And so my age of grace continues up until the final second where that final trumpet of the age of grace sounds that has already been given to blow. At the conclusion of Jacobs trouble, which is also Daniels seventieth week, even a week of years where each day is a year in a week of seven days will Yeshua HaMashiach’s Millennial Kingdom be established for a day of rest at the conclusion of which will be seven thousand years. Wherefore, understand that there will have been three ages of two thousand years each, with a sabbath day of a thousand years that will come to pass in holy and righteous conclusion where my creation is fully redeemed from sin, never to sin again.
So understand the times you live, because the mysteries and ways of Yahweh has been lost in part by the sins of men to those who dwell on the earth, hidden even by the deceptions of the fallen ones. The calendar that I gave to Enoch the scribe wherewith mankind was to determine accurately the days, times, and seasons has been largely lost to neglect and rebellion. The history of mankind has been altered in neglect and spurious fables. The holy writings of old have been partially lost on earth to time and sin, and truly I did allow this to happen on account of the sins of my people that they should walk in darkness should they lose track of my holy writings until their repentan from these evils. Nevertheless, my Word can never be broken and it has been preserved literally Word for Word in the heavens, even with the intention that as it is in heaven so shall it be on earth! Selah!
Therefore, I, Yahweh, The Great I AM, do declare and announce the rise of my two witnesses, even men of old taken from among men in their times and they have been preserved alive by my mighty hand. Even so, because Yahweh, The Great I AM has NEVER left himself without witness, and I will yet provide myself perfect witness even in these times of trouble that are so shortly now set to engulf the earth in the flames of judgment. Because my two witnesses are my two candlesticks, and my two olive trees. Thus says Adonai Yahweh, Behold, I will take the tree of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him even with the tree of Judah, and make them one tree, and they shall be one in mine hand.
Behold! They are witnesses of times forgotten that have been historically altered by the hands of lying scribes who altered the holy writings a little at a time to their own eternal judgment and who removed holy books from their various and sundry canons.
Behold! They are my two candlesticks who will light the path for those who are ordained to eternal salvation and who will give the light of Yahweh in the face of Yeshua HaMashiach in Israel for forty two months during the first half of Jacobs trouble.
Behold! They are my two olive trees, because my two olive trees represent the natural olive tree of Judah, and also the tree of Ephraim of which olive tree the gentiles were grafted into the root and fatness of the natural olive tree forevermore! Selah.
Behold! I do announce to you just exactly who these two mighty witnesses are, so that their way will be prepared and a path is made straight for their appearing and rise. And so my two witnesses are Enoch the Scribe who was taken into the heavens before the flood, and Elijah the Tishbite, even that mighty prophet of old who was taken into the heavens in sight of Elisha, (his successor and witness) in a chariot of fire. Even so as truly recorded in the holy writings of old.
Behold! Enoch the Scribe has scribed in the heavens the works of men and recorded faithfully and perfectly that which was given his hand to accomplish. And he does bring the writings of old, even the same writings that have been lost by the sins of men. And in his scrip does he bring the lost testaments of old. Therefore, understand all who read these Words that during the times of Moses there were many covenants of old that were superseded and enveloped in Moses Testament of Old. And so during the times of Torah Israel maintained the writings of old, even the same writings that were lost in sin and fractious divisions.
Behold! Elijah the Prophet was my witness in the days of Israel before the northern Kingdom was scattered by the Assyrians in chastisement. And he was a mighty prophet in Israel who withstood the prophets of Baal and even Jezebel, priestess of Baal! Elijah will reveal many things and will witness and prophecy hand in hand with Enoch the Scribe and their testimonies will overlap and reveal so many things that have been lost to sin and time by the sons of men in their times.
They will prophecy and teach many things from The Everlasting Gospel and their testimonies will be thusly added to The Everlasting Gospel that is given in the face of Christ Jesus, who is also Yeshua HaMashiach, even he whose New Testament has saved alive eternally the branches from the wild olive tree and has grafted them into the natural olive tree as the Israel of God. Even the same New Testament of which The Everlasting Gospel is part. Yet so it is, that my two witnesses will reveal many things regarding Christ Jesus whom they have served in the heavens in his ruler-ship and will testify of many things they witnessed in the heavens during my age of grace and their testimonies will be preserved eternally.
Therefore, understand the nature of their message and the things they will reveal, because The Everlasting Gospel builds on The Gospel of Salvation and has been hidden in The Mystery of God in my very own heart that is unsearchable and concealed from mankind until the times of revealing. And all testimonies will be fully revealed in these times of revealing that were initiated by the faithful messengers and prophets of Christ Jesus who made the ways straight for my mighty messenger by whom these Words are revealed. Because they will reveal much for the salvation of Israel and they will break partial blindness from the hearts of the meek who have been ordained for salvation before the foundations of the world to obtain an eternal inheritance and receive eternal life in Yeshua HaMashiach who is their true Messiah and King!
They will prophecy and teach many topics and they will reveal many things kept secret for many Jubilees now and will re-establish much knowledge that has been lost and they will purify Jacob in his chastisement so that they may call Jacob to full repentance by accepting the New Testament of Yeshua HaMashiach given eternally and forevermore and of which Testament is there never an end. They will explain the full plan of salvation that has been given incrementally and revealed by Yahweh himself, in their corresponding times of revealing. Yet, so it is written of my mighty witnesses by John the Revelator as he began to make their paths plain even in his times.
So understand what will be fulfilled at the days their prophecy ends, when they will be killed by the beast who rises from the abyss, even so they may be recreated in like manner as Christ Jesus and will take their places amongst the Israel of God for all eternity, even a high honor given for their reward and glory for their love for Yahweh, The Great I AM, and Yeshua HaMashiach whom they serve. And so it is written and so will it be done when the spirit of life enters them again after three and a half days as they are taken into the heavens by my mighty hand: And the same hour will there be a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city will fall, and in the earthquake will be slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were frightened, and gave glory to the God of heaven. Therefore, understand who this remnant is, because this mighty remnant are in part those who will be taken alive and hidden away in the wilderness in a place I have prepared for them already, and so the 144,000 will come to their rescue led by Christ Jesus and will protect and save them alive and heal their wounds and give them great encouragement that will take them into their Messiah’s coming Millennial Kingdom. Selah.
I AM, Yahweh, The Great I AM, and I AM he who has sent these Words by my mighty messenger and servant and by my mighty messenger and servant have my Words been sent. And of an eternal truth: I AM he who, along with Christ Jesus, The Everlasting King and Lord of Righteousness have revealed the Words of The Everlasting Gospel to our mighty messenger who was ordained from the foundations of the world for such a purpose and who has come to salvation from the gentiles in much chastisement and purification in the Israel of God and he will serve Christ Jesus as part of his mighty bride for all eternity as he moves into great glory to fulfill my eternal purposes in Christ Jesus in his assigned order, even rewards of glory reserved for the faithful that have not entered fully into the hearts of men at the time of this writing.
And so this portion of Testimony of The Everlasting Gospel is now closed, and our mighty messenger has finished his course, faithfully as intended and will be taken into the heavens at the sound of that mighty trumpet that is to sound so suddenly now. The Words of The Everlasting Gospel will find the eyes, ears, and hearts to all they are intended and will fill the earth in their time, but will only be sent to heirs of salvation in judgment because The Mystery of God and my holy writings were neglected by the sins of men, therefore, a temporary dearth of scripture will fall on the earth in a famine of truth for those who have rejected my eternal truths, yet they will achieve salvation should they call on the name of Jesus to their end, having not loved their lives to the end!
Therefore, understand the Words of The Everlasting God of Righteousness and my judgments that are set to fall. That now is the time of Jacobs trouble and the times of judgment are now set to fully fall, just as soon as the order is given to blow that beautiful last trumpet, and oh so sweet a sound it will make where my faithful children will hear my invite to come up hither! Selah.
And now fire has already started to fall on the earth, as the beast from the earth causes fire to fall in the sight of men on account of the fallen ones technologies. Because he does possess many technologies given him by the fallen ones that he will use to cause great deception on the earth, even causing the world to wonder after him on account of his lying signs and wonders. Have you never seen a magnifying glass my children? Have you never focused it causing the rays of the sun to intensify into an apex of fire? Therefore, do not wonder after their lies because their deceptions and corresponding judgments are not intended for you, should you come fully out of them so you do not share in their judgments.
Yet, according to the promises of old under the Noahic covenant, I, Yahweh, The Great I AM, did bind myself to never destroy the earth by way of a sudden and fully destructive deluge, but that I would judge the earth incrementally by fire until all unrighteousness is burned thereby. And I have allowed the fires of judgment to fall because now is the time of Secret Babylons full judgment that is already underway. And just as Sodom and Gomorrah will her cities burn across the lands that have been polluted by their sins that are a stench in my nostrils.
Nevertheless, I have allowed time and provision for those the faithful in Christ do intercede so that they may escape sudden destruction that will fall any minute now, even so that they may be saved alive and that they may come to salvation by the refiners fire should they so choose their own salvation. Therefore, come fully out from amongst them and be fully separate from them so that you do not share in their judgments.
Also, understand that the enemies of Secret Babylon have been given her resources and wealth fully, and Secret Babylon is now a looted shell of its former self that has no chance for survival, and never again will this sinful and abominable nation rise, even a nation that was made secretly by the fallen ones that served the unintended purpose of providing a refuge for the persecuted who served Christ Jesus (because even my enemies obey my voice) and for the intended purpose that the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth could rise and be selected for their purposes by the fallen ones in their times.
Truly, many abominations have been created in her lands and many cities, tunnels, and bases are under the earth where they will seek to hide themselves. Nevertheless, there is nowhere they can go to escape the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of Yahweh that will be unleashed according to the Words given to John the Revelator and many of them will be buried in their caves in judgment and will not escape the flames of punishment for their crimes. Yet, they do burn Secret Babylon as they seek to cover their crimes, but their efforts are futile and I, Yahweh, The Great I AM have recorded and do remember every detestable act, no matter how seemingly small.
Therefore, understand that the first forty two months of Jacobs trouble are given for the wrath of the Lamb given to be poured first on the disobedient of the house of God, even for the full salvation of those given to the refiners fire, and for those from Israel who will choose Yeshua HaMashiach as their savior and will be saved alive by Christ Jesus and his Order of 144,000 taken from the first fruits of the Israel of God and sealed in the heavens in their foreheads by the seal of The Living God! And the seals will be loosed and the trumpets given to sound by the mighty hand of the lamb of Yahweh, who is worthy to open the book and loose the seals and he will do just that so very soon now.
Then will the full wrath of Yahweh be poured out in full fury from the vials in which the wrath of my indignation is contained. Therefore, will the fallen ones fall into great punishment and misery as the goodness of the earth is taken from them and only stench and disgusting plagues remain. Because they will never have a golden age, and Christ Jesus will utterly obliterate their Kingdom at his second coming that will conclude Jacob’s trouble and at the end of the first forty two months, in the days when the seventh angel begins to sound, even the Mystery of God should be finished. Selah.
I AM that I AM, therefore tell them The Great I AM is he who has sent these Words and he who has Fathered Yeshua HaMashiach, even he into whose mighty hands have all things been given for the salvation and restoration of my creation for all time and eternally forevermore. Selah.
Now is the time, so stand fast and hide yourselves from the start of judgment that is not intended for the righteous.
Look, listen, the trumpet is about to sound. Are you ready?